what causes hair loss

As many as 75% of men/women may suffer 'male pattern baldness' as they grow older. If your father, or either of your grandfathers had noticeable balding, the chances are high that you may, too. The news isn't all bad, of course

Is there a natural remedy for this problem? The jury is out, but anecdotal evidence is suggesting that cheap, easily available products may in fact have a better remedial effect than either of these two chemical treatments. What are these products? 

 given below two types of products  check this out

Locerin is a multi-ingredient food supplement that inhibits hair loss in women. Its rich formula with as many as 16 ingredients makes Locerin a unique product and will appeal to all hair lovers.

Locerin inhibits hair loss and supports hair growth. 

The supplement’s active ingredients go to the source of the problem, eliminating the causes responsible for poor hair condition. 

The product strengthens hair and contributes to maintaining its natural and distinct colour

Women using Locerin admit that since they started taking the capsules, they do not need other additional supplements to keep their hair healthy.

also check this for detail choice of two type